Monday, March 22, 2010

Button Monday

It's a little overcast and grey here today in the north woods so I thought I'd share a little sunshine for this button Monday.

May I present...yellow!

Most of these are plastics, but there are a few glass and at least one Bakelite as well.

lovely yellow flowers

and finally....quack.

Happy Monday!


  1. aww, you sure made me smile ... what gorgeous collections of buttons you have, my friend !
    I hope you're doing great today.
    xoxo lotsa hugs !

  2. Oh my goodness! I love seeing your collections. Especially this lovely yellow one, on such a dreary Michigan day. Thank you! Hope your day is as cheery as your yellow buttons :)

  3. You have a lovely button collection! Yellow was a great color choice to feature,as the skies here are cloud covered and no sunshine to be seen. But these yellow buttons brought sunshine to my soul today! Thanks for sharing!

  4. These are awesome! I know in my personal button collection yellow is the hardest to find, for some reason. That, and red. Go figure that these happen to be my two favorite button colors!

  5. you are my sunshine , my only sunshine
    you make me happy when skies are grey

  6. That duck is so cute! What a neat collection. Thanks for sharing.


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