Saturday, March 20, 2010


Workin' on the weekend, that's me. 

I'll be listing a few new brooches in the shop later today, and a set of heart ornaments (it's been a while) too.

I'm running low on birch rings for my brooches so I think today I'll be digging through our firewood pile and looking through the back woods for dead birch limbs.  When I find one that's suitable, I'll be cutting, sanding, and waxing these little babies.  Then I'll need to make more felt...  I'm trying out some other woods too and hope to continue working in this theme.  Combining the wood and wool has hit a note with me and I'd like to see where it takes me, so bear with me sweet readers because I am bound to bore you to tears with images of wood and wool...

It was 14 degrees when I woke up this morning but I see the sun shining so I have high hopes that this first day of spring will be a warmer one.

Have a great day.  Happy Spring!


  1. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm in love with your brooches. You truly had an epiphany with these. I agree, there's something about the combination of the wool and the wood. So textural and organic. Swoon!

    My only problem is trying to choose which one I want...but I will....:)

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend (and a successful branch hunt)!

  2. FIRST, never ever you'll be able to bore me. You can talk a million hours about wood, wool, fiber, lichens, anything, you won't manage.
    THEN, boy oh boy, you've been so busy, your hands must be a bit sore ... so many gorgeousness in a single shop update ...
    I hope you have a good weekend, my friend. xoxoxo hugs

  3. I agree, talk about wood and wool however long you want, I love reading it. I only wish I could buy one but I'm afraid the Australian Customs will steal them off me :(

  4. Oh My Goodness Lisa! You keep amazing me every time I pop by your Flickr or blog! These are truly beautiful!!! Keep inspiring me... I need it right now ;o)
    Hugs, L

  5. Stephane in Alaska10:44 AM

    I just wanted to share that i saw some of your acorns posted on Pinterest, yesterday. The minute I saw the photo, I knew they had to be yours--and they were! : )


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