Monday, October 17, 2011

from this vantage point

I snuck a walk out in the woods this weekend, amongst the blowing leaves and chill of late autumn.  The change in seasons here seems so abrupt, and the colorful and beautiful days of fall seem especially brief.  The few mushrooms I saw, looking like spots of snow against the brown, kept reminding me that winter is coming and I don't feel ready for it.

White, white, everywhere white...

...that is until I changed my vantage point...

...and then, purple.

Which was just the reminder I needed to change my vantage point more often.

Have a great start to the week, everyone.


  1. I don't feel very ready for winter yet either, but the snow is moving down the mountains anyway! I will be looking for a different vantage point, thanks!

  2. What a wonderful reminder for us all! Thanks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think it was Eeyore who said, "Some days just look better upside down!" 8*)

  5. Good words of wisdom! We all need to change our vantage point sometimes. :)
    x Katherine

  6. I love the pics of mushrooms! Keep 'em coming :)

  7. Thanks for stopping by, everyone. :)

    Wendy - will do. :D

  8. yes ,definitely a winter is coming chill in the air these days.
    Trying to get out in the forest as much as possible before it is buried in that white stuff.

  9. Beautiful! The cold air is taking a lot of getting-used-to after our trip to Hawaii... But, I'm doing me best to embrace it, despite the shock! I hope autumn holds on longer for you.

  10. the purples in that last photo are just amazing - wow. getting ideas for dyeing? ps, i'm always to "walk" along with you as you forage through the woods.


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