Wednesday, October 19, 2011

wordless Wednesday

Okay, not so wordless...
Last night the setting sun seemed to light the last remaining leaves on fire.  Faded green and tan leaves were suddenly golden orange.  It was beautiful.


  1. It's a beautiful color!

  2. What a magic colour combination, and look of filigree with trees on the backdrop of skies... you make me laugh every time with "Ok, not quite wordless..." business ;)

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    it sure was magnificient
    not very surprised you notice beauty in this simple moment

  4. Thank you Patricia!

    Thanks Gordana, if only I had half your talent for capturing it! I need lessons. You should come visit.

  5. Aw, thanks Sonia. We had just finished dinner and looked up to see it. It was really beautiful. I wish I could do it justice.

  6. I'll second that!

  7. It is magical what the setting sun can do to fall tree leaves. We have a stand of golden leaved hickory that burn orange in the sunset, and I try to catch a picture of them every fall. It seems like only a few days of lovely color before the weather takes them away.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely world with us.

  8. Looks like turmeric! Stunning. Thanks for sharing!

  9. you should have heard me just was like the fourth of July as I was gasping..."oooooo, ahhhhh" at each photo.

    we had an amazing sunset here last night too, but i was driving so we had to capture it in our memories.

  10. love that burnt orange color dancing across the trees. great shots


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