Thursday, December 08, 2011

acorn ornaments and crafting with squirrels

Yesterday you caught a glimpse at what was on my work table and here today we have the end result, teeny tiny acorn huts for mushrooms.  I like to think that if the pine squirrels came over for a crafting night, this is what they would make.

I've hollowed out some acorn bodies and after they were cleaned and dried, glued in a wool mushroom and moss.  I sewed small french knots on the caps for their spots.

They're so tiny and they fill me with glee.  I am gleeful when I look at them.  This one with the extra nub on the cap is my favorite.

These little guys will be in my shop soon and will be available on Sunday morning, not Saturday as I said earlier, as I've had a couple of commitments come up since then.

To celebrate the acorn theme, I decided to make myself a cup of acorn tea.  I poured boiling water over some of the acorn flour I made, allowed it to steep, then strained out the acorn. (a french press would be really handy for that)  I added a bit of sugar, but next time I might not, it was really good on its own.  The acorns have a caramel taste to me and this was like sipping warm, milky caramel.

I think the pine squirrels would approve.

Today I am ever so flattered to have been featured at re-nest, a gorgeous green home site.  I was invited by the talented and charming Rikkianne to define "needle-felting" and offer a few thoughts on the process.  I'd love it if you'd stop over and have a look.

Have a good day everyone.


  1. They are so sweet, adorable! Very creative you are.

  2. they are so sweet and must be so fiddly to make!

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Those are beautiful! I love seeing things like this, you can tell by just looking at them how much care & attention went into making them.

  4. Your tiny works make my fingers ache just looking at them *lol* but they are marvelous! I hope maybe I can snag one for our tree this year. How on earth did you manage to hollow out the shell without it cracking? I tried extracting the meat of acorns this year and it was harder than it looked.

  5. Amy O'H11:38 AM

    Adorable little treasures!

  6. The canoe ornament I gave my husband last year was his favorite! I can't wait to get him one of these acorns for this year!

  7. Oh my goodness,I absolutly adore these acorns!

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I am amazed at the tiny work you do with these acorns/mushrooms! They are adorable!


  9. OMG, they are so cute! Utterly adorable!

  10. These little gems are so bright and sweet, you are clever. I could see these in some sort of children's story book, especially with your imagination?!

  11. How amazing! They are so tiny.

  12. i have visions of you sitting among the squirrels in your woodland home sipping acorn tea and very perfect Lisa. it honors repeating...these are simply the sweetest...

  13. OMG! Cutest. Ornament. Ever.

  14. i think the family of squirrels in the large maple tree outside my studio window are checking google maps right now to see how far it is to your house. They are blotting to snitch a few for their christmas decorations.

  15. These are extra awesome.
    You never cease to amaze me... really.

  16. juste beautifull... Want to be a squirrel :)

  17. Their teeny, tiny cuteness amazes me, Lisa.

  18. Adorable!!!!

  19. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I absolutely adore these magical lil' creations! Mushroom Love!

  20. love this! it's so adorable!

  21. So creative, awesome.

  22. These may be the cutest little ornaments I've ever seen!! I'm in awe.


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