Friday, December 09, 2011

shop update Dec 11th

I'll be having a small shop update on Sunday, Dec. 11th at 9am central time. (here's my time zone on the world clock)

Some of the items are in the shop and viewable now but a few more will be added tomorrow or early Sunday.  They'll all go live at 9am.  I'd love it if you'd stop in and have a look.

There will be a dozen acorn ornaments.

A few simple clay necklaces.  After playing with these beads, I decided that I liked them simply strung on leather.

I've also made available now, my Yellow Amanitas sculpture.  This is a needle-felted scene made entirely of wool that I've fitted into a vintage 'Physiology of the Fungi' textbook.

Thanks so much everyone!  I hope you have a good (and warm...brrr it's chilly!) weekend.


  1. Shop updates = exciting! Love, love, love the acorn ornaments!

  2. What a stunning assortment of goodies. You're a maker of magic. Jx

  3. eep, i so so so want one of those acorn ornaments. better set my alarm so that i'm awake at 7 my time to shop!

  4. bonsoir merci !!j'adore venir ici c'est superbe!!!vous êtes très créative est surtout en phase avec la nature !!!bravo
    bonne soirée

  5. so cute! i shared them on pinterst!

  6. The mushroom acorns !!

    :-} Do pop by and say hello to my ceramic animals. I love your creations.

    HUGS Lorraine

  7. When wil you be making another Yellow Amanitas sculpture? I just found you and it looks like it already sold from your shop. I love it!!

  8. ladynoble - Thank you for asking! I will be making more of the mushroom sculptures after the first of the year. I'll post here when I get new pieces completed so maybe you'll find another piece that speaks to you.


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