Sunday, December 11, 2011

shifting gears for the season

This morning's shop update has gone wonderfully.  Thanks so much to all of you that stopped in and had a look or who took something home with you, I truly appreciate it.  I had a few last-minute additions to the shop including these two brooches that I finished yesterday and photographed mere moments before the update.  I had hoped to get more finished but it doesn't always work out that way.  Those unfinished projects still on my bench looking at me with big sad eyes will have to wait for a while.

This will likely be my last shop update of the year as I'll now be working on some holiday presents, baking, making jam, and the like.  Today we'll be roasting chestnuts and making gingerbread houses (okay, graham cracker houses) with the kids and given the warm weather (30 already!) hope to get out in the woods for a while.

I hope you all have a cozy and relaxing Sunday.


  1. I tried and failed for one of the little acorns...but I have my TREASURE, so I'll be fine!!! Hope you have a wonderful day finding lots of goodies for the next batch of wonders...happy Sunday!

  2. Stephane in Alaska11:07 AM

    Gah, I overslept and awoke with a start to discover I was way too late. Oh, well, I can still enjoy your beautiful blog. : )

  3. Stephane in Alaska11:09 AM

    Whoops, I almost forgot the most important part of all: Enjoy your cozy time with your family!

  4. You know it's warmer where you are in MN than it is here in OH *lol* In fact yesterday our low bottomed out at 18 which is darn cold for December. Enjoy the heat wave while you can before you're all stuffed into the house for 4 months ^_~

  5. I always love the brooches! These two are beautiful. Missed the update this morning so will have to wait till the first update of 2012.

  6. Boo Hoo! I missed out on your beautiful acorns. Please make more in the new year! Had it on my calendar but was busy with my own little deadlines...Have fun with your holiday festivities!

  7. no surprise here that you are sold out.
    you are most amazing my friend

  8. I set my alarm (after double...ok quadrouple checking the time difference) and was ready and waiting for the exact moment, then I had 2, yes TWO acorns in my cart when I was hit with a terrible thought of GREED and put one back for the next lover of your art, Lisa!!

    So for everyone who missed these most wonderous new creations of Lisa's, you will have your day!
    I did!! 8*)

    Thank you, Lisa, for the opportunity to own one of these beautiful works of art! It will be a well loved family heirloom! 8*)

    And I wish you much joy and peace for your Holidays and family time!

  9. Have a good walk, Lisa - and happy christmas time to you, love, sus


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