Monday, June 25, 2012

a duck named Goose

Meet Goose.

A month ago I put some of the duck eggs in the incubator and have been misting them with water and checking their heat and humidity several times a day since then.  Their hatch date was last Wednesday, but they didn't hatch.  I thought the three eggs were goners, but in the midst of the flooding-basement saga, Goose began to pip. 

Unfortunately he pipped at the wrong end and was basically breech in his shell, coming out butt-first.  Except that he wasn't really coming out.  After he pipped a hole, he stayed in that spot for a good 12 hours.  The inner membrane was starting to dry out, making it more difficult for him to make progress.  Fearing I would lose him if I didn't intervene, I carefully chipped tiny bits of shell and white membrane off over the course of the next 12 hours, giving him a larger opening from which to escape.

It took a long time, and a little more chipping off of the shell, but eventually escape he did!  He was completely exhausted and weak.  His eyes were still closed and he was attached to his umbilical cord for quite a long time.  I really didn't think he was going to make through the hatch, and I had my doubts he would last the night once he was out.

I was wrong.

It took him some time, but he dried off, stood up, and has been running around like a wild man since.  He still doesn't like his crumble, but he's been eating boiled egg and drinking.  We'll keep working on the crumble.

For someone who had such a rough start in life, he seems pretty advanced.

I mean, just look how good he is already at hide and seek.

And that whole smiling thing?  A natural.

Happy Monday, all.


  1. oh my gosh, I mean, oh my Goose !!!! What a cutie patootie !! Thanks for the smiles & cuteness overload ! xoxo

  2. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! he is adorable!
    i love ducks, and your little "goose" (which is a wonderful name, i always wanted to name one of my dogs that and it is a nickname for my dog i have now...) is the cutest! i love that he is smiling!!!
    so happy he is getting stronger :)

  3. Have you noticed how much he looks like the photo in your toilet paper planter tutorial?

    Serious cuteness overload.

  4. Oh, what a sweetie! <3

  5. Your photos are great! I can't get over his expressions. What a little charmer he is!

  6. I hope you're giving him lots of kisses on his head. I love how fluffy they are when they're little. Go Goose Go! Who picked the name btw??

  7. This is the cutest! Please keep us updated with lots of photos!!

  8. These must be some of the cutest pics I've ever seen! Go Goose :D

  9. You should seriously consider submitting Goose's smiling photo to They love a good back story and would likely link to this page. :) The world must know the story of Goose.

  10. eeee its a good thing i am vegetarian because i could eat him up he is so stinkin cute!!

  11. Anonymous3:12 PM

    You must be the happiest ducky-mommy around. So very cute!

  12. Owwww.. I have little tears in my eyes right now. He looks totally adorable! And what a story! What a blessing he made it into your life after all (and in his too!)

  13. Aw, thanks everyone! He's a cute little bugger for sure. He likes to crawl up and snuggle under my chin. I named him Goose because while he was hatching I kept talking to him saying, "come on duck duck, come on duck duck" and then it hit me... Goose! (Though my fellow Minnesotans seem to say duck, duck, grey duck. Weirdos.) I'm shocked and thrilled that he's so healthy and robust. No small feat for such a little duck.

  14. Anonymous6:21 PM

    He has to be the cutest little duck I have ever seen!

  15. So chubby and fluffy and smiley!!!


  16. OH come ON- my heart can only take so much cute!!!!! That is ten kinds of precious - what a gift!!

  17. He's pure beauty. I'm sure he knew what a fantastic place you have there and couldn't miss out on all the fun. Well done for saving this sweet creature!

  18. adorable! I sure wish I had a duck named Goose.

  19. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Once again you have overwhelmed me with your grasp on life. Your children, human and otherwise are lucky to have you as their mom. Thanks again for sharing your life with the rest of us.

  20. he is awesome. i can't wait to meet him! tho' i do hope for his sake he's a her.

  21. Aw he's sweet! I once raised an abandoned baby robin and it would snuggle into the crook of my neck too.
    Will Goose be a pet?

  22. Oh, he is so cute!

  23. nannanellie2:52 AM

    Love love love Goose and you for posting such precious moments in your life! Thank you for being a kindred spirit in nature and its wonders ~
    We had Schmuck the duck (ling) when my kids were small. Loved him to bits!

  24. HollyM - well, the intent was to raise some ducks for eating but after all we've been through together, it wouldn't seem right. He/she will have to learn to share a pond with the other ducks.

    nannanellie - Schmuck is the best name I've ever heard for a duck. Thanks for the laugh.

  25. There is nothing in the world cuter than a duckling! Loved the photos.

  26. Anonymous2:39 AM

    He's absolutely gorgeous, made me properly smile this morning :-)

  27. what a darling to bring you cheer! irresistible.

  28. Anonymous2:01 AM

    This made me warm inside.:) I'm happy that he survived and he looks like a cheerful little ducky. Love how you write down all his actions under the photos :)


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