Tuesday, June 26, 2012

a major de-stash

One good thing to come from a flooding basement is the sudden need to de-stash one's somewhat out of control supply pile.  My so-called workspace has had so many plastic bins of materials in it that I'm not actually able to work in it.  As I was lifting bin after bin out the basement window it became clear that I needed to do a purge.  I have more buttons and felt than I will ever use in a lifetime, so I'm offering them up in my shop at incredibly low prices.

If you, or anyone you know, has wanted to work with 100% felted garment wool or tinker with vintage buttons, please have a look at the supply section in my shop HERE.

Thank you!
now, back to the basement with me...


  1. I'm still working thru the last batch of buttons I purchased :) I can personally say a 15lb bag would last me yeeeeaaarrrrs.

    Good luck with the destash!

  2. Oooo Oooo Oooo!!! 8*)

  3. I'm sorry about your basement!! But I'm REALLY happy for me!! THANK YOU!!! 8*)

  4. Do you ship to Ireland?

  5. Thanks M!

    Stitchie Wonder - the cost to ship internationally seemed prohibitive, so I didn't offer international. If you'd like, feel free to email me and I'll provide you a shipping quote - lilfishstudiosatgmaildotcom

  6. I love felt and I love buttons! I collect buttons all the time and don't know what to really use them for. Ah but your 15 lb bag of buttons reminds me of my own collection. I really should think of creative crafts for them.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Good luck selling your buttons!

    The felt looks so appetizing, since I work with it so much haha.

  7. Joann - I used to really enjoy making button bouquets, have you tried those? Here are some of mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilfishstudios/sets/72157603748791173/


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