Thursday, June 28, 2012

sanity is learning something new

I needed a little sanity break so I met some friends in town for some gab, apple crisp, and new-skill-learnin'.  Rhonda showed us a pattern (we kind of freestyled it), we picked out our colors, and got to work.

I haven't done any beading before so I didn't quite know what to expect.  The repetition of stringing the beads was nice, it required enough focus that I felt "in the zone", but could still carry on a good conversation (at least until the string knotted and Molly the knot-untyer extraordinaire had to come to the rescue).

I was pretty slow.  I think it took me an hour to get these first few rows done. (maybe not, but close)

My teacher reminded me that it wasn't a race, but you can clearly see who was bringing up the rear.

Happily, we all finished and were able to proudly sport our new bracelets.  I'll tell ya, I have a whole new appreciation for you bead-stringers out there, this was time-consuming work.  I think I can also see how it could be kind of addictive too.

Sanity restored and I have a cool bracelet to boot.  That's a pretty good way to spend a Wednesday afternoon.

Have you done any bead stitching?  Have you taken a class to learn a new skill lately?  What do you do to coax your sanity back from the brink?

Happy Thursday, all.


  1. Great job! I really got into beadwork for a while and decided there were people better suited than me =-) Can't wait to see how you incorporate this new element into your work - as I know you will, girl.

  2. Oh these are great! I haven't ever tried this before. Need to do some googling I think, it looks like a nice diversion from projects that don't seem to be as interesting as they once were. :)

  3. It's a bit much for me to expect sanity, but my embroidery keeps me out of the deep end. I try to stitch as often as I can, which isn't as often as I'd like to, though. Friends are a great help too!

    Glad you has a great afternoon out and now I'm sure that what you have learned will percolate through your subconcious and eventually show up in your work. At least that's how it works with me.

  4. I love bead weaving in this way... it is the only type of beading a really like. And the one you made with the bigger beads throughout is cool, I may steal that idea!

  5. I LOVE RHONDA! She is my aunts niece, so my uncles sister's daughter-in-law. I live in the cities but have to get to Brainerd at least 3x a year to go to Beadbox... Its the best bead store EVER!! There is NOTHING in the cities to compare! I stumbled across your blog and just love it! zi love thay you dabble in so many things. I needlefelt, TRY to dye, stitch and bead also... but you are just so great!

  6. Beads were one of the first crafts I started to learn when i was little. But I never learned how to make them into bracelets (only animals). I own a collection of vintage beads that I never knew how to use. But I definitely understand how time consuming beading takes, especially when you are dealing with little tiny beads!

    I can't afford taking classes to learn new skills, but recently I took up paper quilling! And soon I want to pick up how to crochet lace and macrame for around the house. When I get stressed I like to listen to my music and work on plushies. Making something cute or elegant makes me happy when it is completed :)

  7. Btw! Thank you so much for the button bouquet suggestions! Those are absolutely beautiful and definitely a way I can finally get rid of my stash of buttons!

  8. Anonymous5:09 PM

    What fun! I've always wanted to try a little beading like that but haven't made the time. My sanity-maker is sending the dog outside with hubby and playing in the studio with my bits and bobs and paper. I need to make more sanity in my life... = )

  9. My daughter has done these type bracelets's time for this momma to try it...thanks for the inspiration! As far as chasing insanity away...there are the beads, the yarn, the thread, the brush with paint, the pen with ink, the garden with lots of weeds, oh, and the can of spray paint to liven up what has gone drab....there is the camera and the computer of course...and there is the family with all their needs and wants to balance it all out!


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