Tuesday, July 03, 2012

my first sheep

I've made my first sheep.  
I've been trying to remember if I've made any other felted animals and I can't recall any besides an earthworm I made ages ago and a bird I started and never finished.  Could it be that I've been so engrossed with mushrooms that I have completely shunned the rest of the animal kingdom?

At any rate, I don't know why I waited so long.  He was fun to make and I loved photographing him too. (I am pretty easy to entertain)

I'm going to be attending Celtic Fest at St. Mathias Farm in Brainerd later this month (If you're in the area please stop in for a Finnegans and say hi), selling some of my work and needle-felting in public.   I've been wanting to put together a needle-felting kit to take with me, and with the sheep-shearing, dyeing, and spinning demonstrations going on at the event, I thought a sheep was a natural choice.


 I'll share more about the kit later, and hope to have some to put in my shop too, but for now I'll leave you with this shot of the sheep gazing wistfully into the sunset.


  1. I love that your sheep went from sheared to full fleece. Sort of backwards from life. He is very cute.
    By the way, a few days after you posted the pic of bird's nest cup fungus I spotted some in the garden. I never would have known what it was if I hadn't seen your blog! Cool!

  2. You are so darn smart & skilled, my friend !
    I'm very honored to be the one who own the earthworm. I cherish it really trruely.
    Between Goose & now little sheepie, you should take photos & make some small (simple) books with them ! What fun, for little ones (and bigger ones) that would be !

  3. Darling sheep... As always, your work is fantastic! Look forward to hearing more about your kit. :)

  4. You are very clever and I would love to try a little sheep kit - hope you will have them on sale soon.

  5. Between Goose and this little sheep, you officially have the cutest photos.

  6. What a sweet little sheep. It's so beautiful and full of character. You must be so pleased with how it's turned out. All the best at the Celtic Fest event. I'm sure your stall will be a winner!

  7. That is the cutest little sheep I have ever seen! Great job!

  8. Sweet little sheep. The back looks like a living thing. Have a good day.

  9. Il est adorable !!!! Tellement mignon!!! En plein le type de petit mouton qu'une fée adopterait volontiers. :)

  10. Super cute! This made my day. I love the photo shoot too.

  11. awww, it turned out beautifully! you need to make a herd of them...i have a feeling they are going to go fast : )

  12. Oh! Oh! SO adorable! I LOVE needle felted animals and have bought some. I have been too scared to try it myself, but this little sheep is the cutest I've EVER seen (and I've seen hundreds.) I will be buying a kit! I just hope I'll have worked up the courage to face the needle!

  13. he is perfect but don't let my kitties get a hold of him
    they have a way of returning needle felted creatures back to fleece in a heart beat

  14. I read your blog every day and always enjoy it and all of your delightful creative endeavors, but had to stop and say something today as I just adore sheep and this one is a complete charmer! That photo of him head on is really wonderful!

  15. Oh Lisa...! Your blog post and creations make me smile each time I visit! Wonderful!!

  16. I LOVE this. Are you going to put it in your shop? I would love to have this. Wow - I mean it is really good.

  17. Bee llissima!!!! Yuk! Brava Lisa, bravissima!

  18. Now how did I miss this ?! Lisa, he/she is adorable! Needle felting is one of those things I've never tried but would love to have a go at, what a pity I'm so far away ... I shall just have to hope not to miss the kits in the shop!

  19. The sheep is just precious!

  20. Prześliczna, chyba ładniejsza od żywej.

  21. I LOVE your sheep..and the photographs are wonderful!! I hope you do a tutorial/kit soon...I would love to try one of these sweet little guys! Mostly so I can have fun taking pictures of it! : )


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