Saturday, September 22, 2012

flint corn wreath

 Mother Nature knows how to dazzle with color in Autumn.  The leaves, the light, and even the corn seems in full display.  I love the soft greens of spring and the joyous colors of summer but the deep rich tones of Autumn resonate with me in a deeper way.

  When I saw a pile of flint corn at the farmer's market I had to bring them home with me.

I had planned to wire them to a grapevine wreath of an appropriate size, that I was sure was in my workspace, but of course that wreath was nowhere to be seen.  I had two wreaths, one large and one small, so I made do.  Instead of painstakingly wiring the corn to the wreaths, I opted to glue gun it.  (I was tired, it was a long day, it happens)

The finished wreath is quite large and I plan to hang it up on the side of the house.  It will go well with the big old pumpkins that I'll be pulling in from the garden today.

Of course, I think it looks fetching with my little sunflower in the middle too.

Are you enjoying Autumnal color where you are?


  1. I love it!
    ...your wreath
    ...that little sunflower of yours

    Flint corn brings back so many childhood memories. Today, I'll take the time to soak up those feelings. {perhaps, while wearing my cape! ;)}

  2. it's beautiful lisa! you must HAVE to hang it high or the chickens would probably feast on it! the squirrels have been going crazy here and everything in the garden has been fair game for them. wishing you a splendid autumn!

  3. Love the wreath, its colors & love the little sunflower in the middle of it ! :)
    Autumn always takes its time over here, and today felt more like an extra day of summer ... oh well.

  4. that ought to look striking on a house. lovely with a sunflower center.

    im going out to find some fall color: it is best up on the mountains in the heath.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So Beautiful. Thank you!

  7. That is so amazing, I've never seen corn like that before! What fantastic colours, there is blue in there, WOW, just gorgeous. You've made it a wonderful work of art, and the little sunflower in the middle, sweet. :)

  8. stunning purples in the corn, displayed so beautifully.

  9. Beautiful wreaths! The colors haven't started happening here yet, but the temps are starting to drop. Thank goodness!
    I grew Indian Corn one year, the mini variety. The day that I harvested them and shucked them was so cool. It was like opening a present each time because you didn't know what color you would get!

  10. The colours are amazing but that face is just the best. This corn reminds me of my childhood too, it's one of the crops my dad grew on our ranch. It's magic to pull back the husks to see the surprises of colour. xo

  11. Anonymous7:43 PM

    FAN-tastic corn wreath (reminds me of a mandala which I have a certain fancy for). Love the last picture!

  12. What a GREAT idea!!!! It is beautiful!

  13. Anonymous12:41 PM

    incredible colors, what a joy to look at!

  14. We are just barely starting to get our colors to start changing here, but it's in the air. It's almost here! I can't feel it yet (still int he 90's F) but it's coming.

    On a side note, I can see each of those cobs of corn as it's own colorway for yarn and/or roving. Oh, that would be a nice spin. You'd have to have the right fiber to give it the right sheen, though. Oooh... Ideas... Thanks for inspiring, as always!

  15. What a beautiful wreath. Love the centre! Congrats on the article!

  16. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I want to make this wreath this weekend if possible. Did you spray the corn with any type of sealer so that it would last year after year? Your wreath is beautiful!!!

  17. Thanks!

    No, I didn't spray mine because I hoped the birds and squirrels would eat it. I also hoped to plant a few of the kernels myself next spring. I don't think you'd need to spray the flint corn to keep it from degrading though, it's called "flint" corn because it's so hard. The colors may fade over time though, especially if it's in the sun like mine. Though I haven't noticed any fading on mine yet and it's on a south-facing outside wall. Good luck!


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