Thursday, December 06, 2012

completed stone - jb in denmark

A new stone completed, the second in my felted stone project.  This one came to me from Julie in Denmark (you might know her as julochka).  It was given a minty green wool coat, a color that abounds in the leafless woods right now in the form of lichens that coat the oaks.  The stitching suggests to me an explosion of growth (mold, spores, ?), peppering the lichen around it.   As I've mentioned before, the stitches seem to lead my hand instead of the other way around, and I'm often surprised at what the finished design looks like.  I think in this case, Julie's personality impacted the feel of the stitches.  In an exuberant kind of way, not in a "ew, mold" kind of way.

This summer I had the privilege of meeting Julie in person when she came to visit us under the poplar and pine.  She brought with her delectable treats (breakfast chocolate?! who knew?), gin, and a baggie of satin-smooth stones.  One of which became her addition to my project.


Two stones completed, and more in the works.

Thank you to everyone who has sent a stone off or have helped spread the word.  If you or someone you know would like to take part, you can find the details HERE.


  1. oh gosh, that minty covered stone is just ... oit of this world ! You totally blow my mind. Every. Single. Time.

  2. Oh they are both lovely! I am looking forward to seeing what you will do when you get mine!AriadnefromGreece!

  3. I agree with Ariadne!! I might go back to igoogle just for your blog!! 8*)

  4. Oh my - that must be one of my very favourites.
    I love that colour and stitch combination, genius!

  5. Oh my - that must be one of my very favourites.
    I love that colour and stitch combination, genius!

  6. Darlene C11:59 AM

    You do lovely work. I have felted stones before and I embroider - so tell me how difficult is it to combine the two? What size needle do you use?

  7. i knew it didn't "take" my comment via the phone...but what i tried to say was it's SO AWESOME! and i'm so glad it wasn't an "ew, mold!" kinda way, tho' honestly, it could have been because i think our falling down old house is full of mold, so it would quite fitting. :-)

    thank you for doing me first! i feel very privileged!


  8. Um, not sure why I've commented twice.

  9. Thank you, Sonia, Ariadne, and Melissa! xo

    Joanie - I guess you really meant it. :D

    Darlene - if you already embroider then you should be a whiz at stitching on stones. I have no idea what size needle I use, I'm sorry. It varies depending upon what I have close at hand. I do use the ones that are straight all the way down, without that bump around the eye.

    julie - thank you for starting the project off! Those two stones sitting in the box need something. I'd better get Kit to mail me a stone then the three of them can sit there with gin and talk. ;)

  10. Usually I'm a silent reader of your blog, Linda. But I love to join the project with a stone from Cologne and will send it to you the next days... My walk to search "your" stone can you find here:
    Winter-Greetings from Germany
    (and sorry, I didn't practice English for some years....)

  11. Don't know who "Linda" is - I mean "Lisa" of course... ;-)

  12. i must send you a stone soon before you have them hailing down on you xo m

  13. i have to smile about the 'breakfast chocolate' - i'm guessing you mean the thin chocolate wafer sheets that the Danes put on sandwiches? one of those quirks - my mom still has some from that our Danish family brought over this past summer and the grandkids love it.

    your stone project is coming along well.


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