Sunday, January 20, 2013

cocoon stone

I had a few hours in the house alone yesterday.  That may not sound like a big deal, but let me tell you, it's a rare event around here.  I enjoyed the solace and did some stitching.
 I included a few glass and stone beads under the stitches.  When you push on cocoon form you can feel them move beneath the surface.  That's really appealing to me because one of the things I love most about creating this kind of art is that the observer is not only allowed to interact with the work in a physical way, but is encouraged to do so.

This piece will be available in my shop shortly.

I hope all of you are staying warm.  We're anticipating a *high* of -10f tomorrow so I may be cocooning myself.  In blankets.

Enjoy your Sunday.


  1. That is a truly magical piece! I love the idea of movement underneath, wonderful!

    Stay warm!! We're getting that cold in a couple days, I'm loading in LOTS of wood in preparation :)
    (and gathering my blankets)

  2. mine! :-)

    now it's kind of a trade. ;-)

  3. Are you letting the donors firch chance to buy back their stone?

  4. Valerianna - stay warm!

    j - thanks so much!

    rayfamily - thank you too!

    Melissa - I'm not sure where the finished project stones will end up. If they come back to me, and aren't kept on display somewhere and if I decide to sell them then yes indeed the donors will have first dibs on their stones. Sorry that's so vague, but I'm not sure how this project will end.

  5. Lisa,

    I love the stones you make and will send you one one of these days. When I saw this one, I didn't think 'cocoon,' I thought it looked like a mussel. Here on the West Coast of BC, mussels are all over the rocks on the shore and can be seen at low tide and the green colour looks like the colour of seaweed.

  6. Hey Lisa, thanks for stopping at my blog and leaving a comment. We do live in the same area. I hope we can get together some time, soon.

  7. Anonymous4:48 PM

    And here I was complaining about below freezing temps on my blog - which means 23 degrees. Stay warm Lisa! Love the stitched stones you're creating these days, they are pure magic.

  8. Thanks, Lisa, I just needed some reassurance!! 8*)

    Your reply is not vague really...
    the stones will be on an adventure!! They may settle somewhere or they may return to their beginnings. Either way sounds wonderful!! 8*)


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