Thursday, January 17, 2013

the cat has no sense of humor

 I made a few finger puppets this holiday season.  Some chickens and a couple of cats.  The kids seemed to like them.

The cat, not so much.
He is not amused.


  1. Oh my ... what a funny face !!
    The finger puppets are out of this world !! (I bet they are such time consuming)
    You brilliant girl xoxox

  2. Real cat and puppet cat look a little bit alike... different colour, same mood.

  3. He may not be, but I am!!! ROFLMBO!! 8*)

  4. my comment disappeared before my very eyes - here it is again - your cat and mine must be related - they are from the Apricot Tabby family - Ambercat thinks she's a prune but I say apricot. She is not impressed by toys either unless containing catnip. Betty

  5. hahaha! That's funny :)
    Your puppet is so beautiful and well made!!


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