Tuesday, January 08, 2013

completed stone - dlw in West Virginia

Another stone completed.  This one was sent to me from Lisa (who writes the blog 'in the boon docks') on behalf of her grandson, David, from West Virginia.

The color is earthy, like clay and dirt, supporting growth and greenness.  Just the sort of things my own boys love to explore.  I hope you like it too, David.

 Thanks so much for joining me in this project of mine.
My hands are eager to stitch so there will be more soon and a few pieces for the shop too.  Soon.

Have a great day, everyone.


  1. lisa, they get more and more magical every time.

  2. Every time I see a new one of these stones, my heart sings. Such beautiful hand stitching and rocks are just cool!

  3. Wow!They look so beautiful all together!AriadnefromGreece!

  4. First of all (a bit late) a happy and creative new year for you Lisa and your loved ones !
    What a wonderful stone again ! Good I saw it: must still find a "light" stone to send to you .... ;-)

  5. Thank you so much for including us! I so hope youhave a prosperous New Year! We are delighted to be part of you project!

  6. Hi Lisa,
    So nice to see the completed stones! I hope you got mine (sent a while ago)? I forgot to mention in the little note with my stone that YES!, I would love to see you share when 'my' stone has been completed. Soooo curious I am! I wish you lots of joy with the project. All the best from France,

  7. This is my favorite so far. The colors, forms and composition really delight me.


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