Sunday, January 06, 2013

completed stone - smph in Alaska

A stone completed.  In the aftermath of the holidays, the quiet act of finishing this stone was soothing to my overstimulated soul.  This stone came to me from Sherry on the shores of Larsen Bay, Alaska.  That view on the postcard?  That's her yard and her stone was gathered from there.
 It's little wonder her stone was so soothing to stitch.  I think it carried some of its beach-side calm with it.
I used a golden yellow wool on her stone and let the blues of the water and the pebbly texture of the beach inspire my stitches.  I was also inspired by her island location and found myself stitching an island of yellow amidst the blue.

The gathering of stones grows.

I made a mail run the other day and oh how I love opening up the PO box to see packages of stones waiting for me.  The stories some of you are including with your offered stones have moved me so.  I only hope I can do justice to them.  Now that the holidays are over I'll be able to work more consistently and I'm eager to show you more soon.

Thank you to everyone who has sent a stone off or have helped spread the word.  If you or someone you know would like to send one to me, you can find the details HERE

Thank you!


  1. Stephane in Alaska12:23 PM

    These are becoming such a lovely family. : )

  2. Stephane in Alaska12:23 PM

    These are becoming such a lovely family. : )

  3. What an amazing project! I may just have to join in and send you one. To be honest I need to go back to my mums craft room for supplies because I want a go myself hehe!!

  4. How do you stitch after doing the felting? Use curves needles or?

  5. Thank you, ladies!

    nancy - no, I use straight needles. I've never gotten the hang of the curved ones.

  6. I've traveled a couple of times (in Russia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey) with a guy who always carried stones with him from his own South Dakota field at home. He would drop them where we went and when it felt right, leaving a little piece of himself on Red Square or at Troy or on Mt. Olympus. I thought it was a great idea. This project somehow reminds me of it, tho' the stones are coming to you with is like people are sending you a little piece of themselves and their stories and you're expanding on them and making them your own. What a beautiful thing that is.

    And how odd, I'm using capital very unlike me. :-)


  7. it is so thrilling to see this project move along. I kick myself for forgetting to send a pebble with your christmas gift. xo

  8. I am *definitely* going to send you a stone. I think this is such a marvelous idea. I love how you are telling the story of how each one comes to you as well. You do such beautiful work.

  9. This is all so beautiful! Found you via soulemama.
    Would you like a stone from Greece? I love stones and pebbles. I collect them, have them in my pockets, play with them.

    Do let me know :-)

  10. Hello from Colorado!

    I LOVE your felted/embroidered rocks! I am a MN native and get back there frequently. Do you ever offer workshops or classes? I am a felter, but would love to learn how to embroider on my pieces!


  11. Hi Marilyn!

    I'm trying to find a venue for holding classes nearby, as I've had a few people ask. If you are planning to be in the area and are interested, shoot me an email at lilfishstudios(at)gmail(dot)com and we'll see what's possible. Thanks!


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