Wednesday, June 05, 2013

campfire cooking with the kids

My kids are now on summer vacation which lends a different energy to the house.  Or rather, LOTS of energy to the house.  Since spending lots of time outside is what makes them happiest (and the tiredest at the end of the day) I thought we'd take our meal-making outdoors too.

We gathered up our ingredients for a hobo stew,

put them in foil,

seasoned well,

and headed out to the fire with our foil packets and bannock bread wrapped on sticks.  Declaring oneself "King Bread Stick", optional. (dressing yourself in multiple patterns also optional)

I nestled the foil packets down into the hot coals with a set of tongs while the kids baked their biscuits until they were golden brown and cooked through.

About 10 minutes later they ate their hearty stew and biscuit in the grass.

 They loved being able to make their own lunch and made dinner too (panfish, asparagus, and sweet potatoes, yum!).  I knew we were on to something good when one of them exclaimed "I can't wait to do this with broccoli!"

I imagine we'll be cooking on the fire at every given opportunity.  We'll be the family that constantly smells of woodsmoke but that's okay, I think we're gaining much more than an aroma from this.

Happy Wednesday, all.  I hope today is memorable.


  1. Love the smell of woodsmoke... You're creating some wonderful memories for those kids :)

  2. thank you for this wonderful idea! We know the stick - bread already, but I have not gotten it to make a stew. But we will definitely try soon. :-)
    Äs liebs Grüessli from Switzerland

  3. I love that your beautiful children are outside doing 'stuff' and not inside glued to a computer or video-gaming all day long. These are going to be well-rounded young adults who will understand instinctively what self-sufficiency and helping one another is all about. Thank you for raising such people, my friend.


  4. Would love to learn about the bread.

  5. Your posts always make me happy!

  6. Brilliant as usual, I want to come and join in your lovely days, if only I was 46yrs younger, I'd love it! What a Mum you are. :)

  7. the upside of dressing oneself in multiple patterns is that you never get lost in the woods...and what is wrong with hearts and bows pray tell...she's beautiful :) when the grid goes down we'll know how to feed ourselves now...thanks!!!!!

  8. I so love seeing children away from TV and computer doing such great things!AriadnefromGreece!

  9. Ooooh, you are all simply the best ! You are giving them such amazing life education & such awesome childhood memories. They'll thank you for that, when they'll be older.

  10. Looks like your girl has the same penchant as mine for "pajama days!" It sounds like a good idea, especially since mine are home from school now too! I have a firebug of a boy. May have to google bannock bread for tomorrow!

  11. Hi, just stumbled across your blog, it looks great, you can't beat cooking and eating outside : ) Can't wait to try the birch bark canoes!


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