Friday, June 07, 2013

flew the coop

 It happens from time to time.  I'm not sure if it's because of the change in energy in the house, the added responsibility of having 6 bodies in the house all day instead of just two, or what but my focus, my art "mojo" has flown the coop.

When it happens it causes me great stress.  Not only is creating what keeps me whole and reasonably sane, but I have deadlines to meet, commitments to keep, and my income (as modest as it may be) contributes directly to keeping our household fed.  There is no good time for me to be unable to create, but yet here we are.

I've been down this road enough times to know that the best thing for me to do is set down the fiber and do something else non-art related, even if that seems counter-intuitive.

So for the next few days (or however long it takes) I'll be re-potting some geraniums, weeding the garden, tending to the sick guinea in the barn, maybe go out looking for some mushrooms, but I won't be working until this brain of mine decides to cooperate.  With lots of luck it will return with a flourish and I'll be right back in the middle of all these stones.  Or something new.  Who knows.

Have a great weekend, everyone.  See you soon.


  1. I can empathize with you - this happens to me at least once a year - usually after the busy Christmas season. It has always come back so far :O)

  2. Potting geraniums and puttering is just about the best medicine for healing this "malady" - something another blogging friend believes is brought on by sustained "mental clutter".

    You give us all so much of yourself through your work and sharing here in this space. Take time for you. As much as you need.

  3. It happens, and you're doing the right thing. You were born creative and creative you will die, worry not.

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    And you'll be gathering inspiration the entire time - the patterns on that feather, the structural of that weed, the rippled edge of a geranium petal... Have a fabulous weekend Lisa!

  5. I've felt like that this past week, I think my brain is just shattered with creative thinking, pushing those ideas all the time, so I've just pottered, it does you good I'm sure. I fell asleep in the garden in the sun today, wonderful!! I don't know how you manage to do so many things?? Give yourself some time and hopefully we both find our 'mojo' again :)

  6. I am sure your mojo will return soon and you will amaze us again with your art! Bytheway I received your stone and it is lovely!AriadnefromGreece!

  7. as always I totally enjoyed your pictures today.

  8. Hi Lisa there are days that I cant sew, needle felt or make jewelry. All of these thing are things that I love to do and that I also do to make some cash. Its a bummer when your brain just wont get with the program! Dont worry-it seems whenever my brain decides to get in gear-my work is even better! I am sure yours is too! You will be back at it in no time!!!

  9. Hi Lisa there are days that I cant sew, needle felt or make jewelry. All of these thing are things that I love to do and that I also do to make some cash. Its a bummer when your brain just wont get with the program! Dont worry-it seems whenever my brain decides to get in gear-my work is even better! I am sure yours is too! You will be back at it in no time!!!

  10. Happens to me too. It'll come back after you spend sometime away.

  11. I wish you luck in your "down" time. We all know with all those bodies, human or otherwise, you won't have much time for stillness!! <3 8*)

  12. you'll get it back, i have no doubt.


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