Tuesday, June 18, 2013

the funk has moved on

 The little funk I was experiencing seems to have moved on.  I felt it starting to loosen its grip a bit the other day when I signed up to be a felting demonstrator at this year's Celtic Fest and by Sunday when we drove past an especially verdant field, I felt it let go completely.

Yesterday morning I headed down to my workroom to capture the feeling of that field and ended up making two more brooches after that.

Thank you, funk, for moving on, and to the sun for shining.  And to each of you that offered support in your comments here and on facebook and twitter.  It's rough when you're not feeling quite yourself but it was nice to know that many of you knew exactly what I was going through.

Hope your week is sunny and bright.


  1. Glad, so glad!Smile!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I love the one with the river running through it. I'm glad you are out of your funk. Wanna send a little of that this way?

    Heather M.

  3. These are so beautiful! So glad the funk moved on! Now if I could just motivate myself!

  4. Your work is amazing! I've been following your blog for a while now and I just love your creations! ~

  5. I LOVE the last one you show on your post today. When will it be in your shop?

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Sorry to hear you were in a funk but so glad it's moved on. The brooches are beautiful. I especially love the middle one, it reminds me of a Pacific Northwest coastal scene.

  7. Thank you ariadne!

    Heather - I'm fanning the mojo your way.

  8. Thank you so much, ladies.

    Jane - soon. I'll be sure to announce it first here on the blog, but hopefully next week. Thank you for asking.

  9. Welcome back!! Glad it has passed! <3 8*)

  10. Hello Lisa!

    Long time since I visited. I could relate 100% to your funk. I took off TWO months from creating critters and am now back to it once again thank goodness. I still sold the classes and kits but no creating. I lost my mojo and that happens off and on, however not for 2 months. I guess we all experience this. It sure is frustrating tho. Love your brooches and all you do!

    Take care,



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