Monday, November 25, 2013

a winner and some news

Thank you to everyone who played along in my giveaway.  I love that so many of you make compliment-giving a regular part of your day.  I can't say I'm surprised, I've long known that you are all a kind and caring group, but it was still so nice to read all of the affirmations.

My kids picked a name this morning and Traci J is the winner!  I've sent you an email, Traci.  I hope you enjoy the stone.  It brings my warmest wishes with it.

And a little news...  Starting today I will be working full-time in a job unrelated to lil fish studios.  We've met some unexpected challenges this year and I need to make a more consistent financial contribution to help keep our family afloat.  I will still be tinkering with wool and wood, dyeing with plants, wandering in the woods, and sharing my experiences here, but I'm not yet sure how frequently that will be.  I'll figure it out in time and I hope you'll stick with me while I get my footing.

If you have extra, I could use your happy thoughts.

Thank you, each of you, for joining me here under the poplar and pine.  Your support has meant the world to me.
 I hope you all create a wonderful start to your week.

Happy Monday.
x. Lisa

p.s. the kitten doesn't have anything to do with my news, he's just there to lighten the mood.



  1. Oh bittersweet news, Lisa! We all gotta do what we gotta do. We will be here waiting for you whenever you show up. Life is full of change!

  2. I hope that you enjoy what you are doing in this new job and be safe!

  3. Hi Lisa,

    it'll be interesting to see how your work changes during this transition. Limitations often lead to more energetic transactions. I'm thinking of how electricity is produced by squeezing electrons into a swiftly moving line which fires them up into a fervor.

    Take all the time you need to adjust... your fans & friends are true. Sending light and love your way.

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Hope you enjoy your new endeavor too.

  5. I am glad you found a job, they are scarse these days. Hope it is a good one!I really thought you could make an income out of your art (stones and mushrooms) but I know it isn't a permanent thing!Wishing you good luck with everything you do.Hope we will be seeing you and your art once in a while!Kisses!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. It's frustrating that we artists have such a difficult time earning a sufficient income to actually live on....but it's it wonderful that you are able to find full time employment! With your positive attitude....I know this new path will only enrich your life. I'll stay tuned in...

  7. Anonymous10:19 AM


    I hope your first day goes very well. We'll miss you, if you cut back on posting, but I know the choices that have to be made sometimes. I hope your creativity finds many an outlet and I look forward to hearing about them.

    Heather M.

  8. May you have the strength to meet these challenges, and the love and support you need to keep a joyful heart. You have a gift that reveals itself in your creative expression and I'm sure this happens in all of your endeavors. Be well.

  9. Hi Lisa-I hope you have a new job doing something you love. Wherever you are working, they will be very lucky to have you! maybe you can bring your wool and needles to work-sometimes I do! I got caught by my boss-next thing I know we were both standing around stabbing wool! Good luck with your new job

  10. Good luck in your new endeavors. I'll miss seeing your creations and updates as often as we are blessed to now. Be happy, this too shall pass. Ps. I love the new profile picture. I think I recognize that cute face, and you look beautiful as well.

  11. Good luck with your new job!

  12. lisa, i came across your work on flickr some time ago and have used an image or two of yours in a collage of favorites. i bought a pebble for my daughter's 13th birthday because she adores them as i do... i love their uniqueness and was able to articulate the gift as being something that reminded me of her uniqueness... her gifts, the individual she is. so i thank you for your kindnesses here... the way you are honest in this space and the way you encourage kindness in the world. i'll certainly be thinking of you in your new endeavors.

  13. It's not really a happy thought, but I find a bit of comfort in the thought, that everything we experince - good, or not so good - we experience for a reason. If we can learn to cope with life - and hopefully with a bit of grace, humor and enthusiasm - it's a way to grow and become a better human being.
    Hope you will enjoy your 'new life', and find joy and beauty there too!

  14. This is a MAJOR change at a very busy time of year. Supportive thoughts coming your way!

  15. Hoping you had a good day at work and a kitten is always a good thought to carry with you. Sending you lots of good wishes.

  16. Thank you all so much. I'm just home from my first day and am reading your kind words and I'm a little choked up. My very best wishes to each of you. x. Lisa

  17. good luck at your new job. i had to make the sudden transition from SAHM to full-time worker a few years back, and while i have less time for my favorite pastimes (my kids, nature), there's a LOT less worry about money. that's worth something! you will survive--you're amazing!

  18. Gosh, my heart goes out to you! I pray that this new job will bless your family with the financial stability you need and will lead to even bigger and better things. You never know what opportunities may arise from a new environment - new people, new friends. And I am certain that you will still find time to create beautiful things to share and inspire. A creative spirit like you always finds a way :) Sending you a big hug ( ). Hang in there!

  19. Blessings on your new job. xxxx

  20. I'm a firm believer in the saying "everything in life happens for a reason". Best to you in your new endeavors. Love the picture of the Kitten and you and Goose. Know your friends are here for you and will be here waiting for you to come back with your wonderful words of wisdom.

  21. You'll pull through moo! Sometimes having an unrelated day job makes crafting easier. Because you have all these ideas percolating while you do the normal stuff. :D

  22. Anonymous11:04 AM

    When my husband got laid off last year, I opened a home-based preschool. He eventually found a new job, I love the work I'm doing and my 5-year-old is thriving in being my school assistant. I hope your endeavor is equally rewarding for you and opens new doors. I've been following your posts for years, thanks for all the things you share with us.

  23. Good Luck with your new job Lisa! I hope its something you enjoy. Take care, hope you still find time for your crafting, I really enjoy reading about what you're doing. xxx

  24. SO sorry this has happened - I know how hard it is to go back to work full time when it is the last think you want to do. I think I don't take my retirement for granted because of how much I hated having to spend the majority of my time away from home. Hopefully things will get better soon and you will be able to be back home full-time.


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