Saturday, November 30, 2013

weekend, volunteering, and cards

Ahhh, the weekend.  Hard-earned after my first week of (outside-the-house) work.
Today my youngest boy and I are volunteering at the Crossing Arts Alliance and visiting my favorite potter to show some support on Small Business Saturday.  I'll take my helper for a treat afterwards, a little mom and son time that we'll both appreciate.

Later I'll be packaging up more greeting cards that will soon be in my shop.  More information, and photos, coming soon.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Happy Saturday!


  1. Love your new picture :)

  2. Hi Lisa I hope you had a great week at work! Your cards look amazing! hmmm- I think I will tell santa I want some for christmas-maybe he would frame them for me-your photos are amazing.I love them!!

  3. I hope there are some left by the time I get my deposit!!! Your photos are so beautiful!! They are going to fly like the stones!! 8*)

    I hope your week went well! Life can be so unfair sometimes. <3 8*)

  4. Cards are fabulous! Perhaps you would consider making some of your felt brooches next time? I'll buy those too (just ordered my cards)! Haven't been able to take my Nippersink Creek brooch off the card it came on--it's a piece of art in itself!


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