Wednesday, December 04, 2013

a quick check-in

I saw that Lark is sharing several free felty craft projects over on their site, including my very own penny rug bouquet.  There are some stocking plans, ornaments, a wreath, and more.  If you need a little crafty inspiration, you might want to stop by and take a look.

Thanks so much to those of you that have taken some of my new greeting cards home.  I'll continue to offer them in the shop so if there are any images of mine that you would like to see in greeting card form, just let me know.

I'm still trying to find my footing with my new job.  My days are long and there isn't much time for art once I get home so I've taken to sewing on my lunch break.  I'm working on my third batch of Art-o-mat stones and though I'm working at a snail's pace, my goal is to get them done before the new year.

I hope you're all doing well and staying safe and warm.
Happy Wednesday.


  1. You seem to be now in my place! With full time school work everything else falls behind!Still we manage and I guess it has to do with our multitasking techniques!AriadnefromGreece!

  2. Thanks for the update. I've thought of you a few times over the last week or so - wondering how you were settling in to your new job. Glad to see that you are using your lunch break creatively! I used to take a nap in my car..LOL! You will have much more to show for yours :))))

  3. Hi Lisa I hope your job is going well. I really hope you will be able to find the time to do your art because it is obviosly a huge part of the special person that you are!

  4. I am so glad you are keeping your cards in the shop!!! I'm doing the Snoopy Happy Dance!! 8*)

    Maybe you could sell some big photos, like Margie used to do?

    I have a few right above my computer desk window...I have Margie's "Thimble Garden", Geninne's "Friends" print and another Margie photo called "delicate but strong" with her crochet covered stones, tiny rocks, sea glass and sea critters. It is always such a joy to look at them!!

    my 2 cents. 8*)


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