Sunday, December 08, 2013

making acorn ornaments with the kids

With the weather so dreadfully cold, and the kids getting squirrely from cabin fever already, I thought we'd do a little crafting to help keep their fingers busy.

I had some of these acorn caps left that I had painted with metal paint a few years ago and a bag of beads that I thought would make good acorn bodies so we put the two together to make ornaments.

I had hoped to sew through the beads and cap but the kids found it a little too difficult to manage so we compromised.  First, I drilled holes in the caps and put a hanging loop in.  Then I sewed the tiny bead on to the bottom of the large bead, a step I could have skipped but I liked that it made them look more finished, and the kids glued the bead into the cap.

The results are pretty cute, I think.  They each made enough to hand out to some of their friends, with a couple left over for the tree.

I think that glass marbles would work well too, in lieu of beads.  Wouldn't they be pretty hanging in front of the window like this?

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend.  Happy Sunday.


  1. oo, these are most gorgeous! Now I'll have to hunt for some size appropriate beads. thanks for that!

  2. Fabulous idea!


  3. Wonderful idea and creations, thank you!

  4. Lisa, these are GREAT! And, as always, your photography is such a treat.

    Denise - The Nana Beast

  5. so cute and perfect for catching the winter light (i think a lot about capturing light). :-)

  6. I love the acorns, i hope you all had a wonderful weekend! xxx

  7. Once again, I love how your brain works!!!

    A little of this and a bit of that and you come up with extraordinary!!

    Those ornaments are amazing!! 8*)

  8. This a gorgeous idea. I love how you take humble items and turn them into something wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. These are so sweet. I'm glad you still have time for crafting with your children.


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