Monday, November 17, 2014

a good day to meet some sheep

A very cold Monday off of work turned out to be a great day to meet some sheep.
I'm always on the lookout for local wool so it was to my delight that a local fiber person, who just happened to be a sheep owner, walked into my place of work this fall and struck up a conversation. My friend Mary and I traveled down to see her and her darling sheep and came home with big bags of wool and even bigger smiles.

This little sweetie pie really liked me my camera strap.

nibble nibble nibble

All the sweet faces! Even though that guy was head-butting some other guys, he was still very cute. So is his photo-bombing friend.

Snacks! Sheep like snacks!

What a great day. Hope yours was as well.


  1. Looks like you were in the thick of it - I'll bet it was warm in there! Sweet faces!

  2. Let me know if you're ever planning to be in New England, and I will invite you over to meet my little herd of cashmere goats :)

  3. Hi Lisa what a great way to spend the day! How fun! I just got some wool in the mail! My family thinks I am nuts for getting excited about wool-but I know you get it! Have fun with yours!

  4. Thanks ladies!

    Quinn, I would LOVE that! :D

    Kristy, oh, I so know how it is to get excited about wool. I definitely do. :)


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