Sunday, November 23, 2014

owl be having a class and it will be a hoot

(sorry for that title, that was terrible)
I spent some time yesterday working on some wee owls for the next class I'm teaching.
I've found a great group of women in my community that are excited about learning to needle-felt, and we add a few new ones to each class. We needle and chat and have snacks and it's great fun.
The next class will these little guys.

A tree full of wee hoots.

This owl will not have any of your shenanigans. He will not have them.

This owl might not either.

Each is simple in shape, perfect for a beginner, but fun enough for someone who is more experienced.

The class will be Dec. 9 from 5:30 to 8:00
at the Franklin Arts Center in Brainerd, MN
More details to come.


  1. I might just have to fly to MN to take this class - these are adorable, Lisa!

  2. I absolutely love these little owls! Do you sell videos on how to make these? I do not live close by but would love to learn how to make them.

  3. These are so cute! It sounds like a great class, if I was in your area I'd take it. Can I ask how big these are?

  4. Oh I wished I lived somewhat near, it looks like fun, the little owls are cute, hope you do have a hoot :)

  5. Thanks so much, all!

    Diana, sorry, no I don't sell videos at this time. Perhaps in the future...

    Owner - the owls are about 2" tall.

  6. Hi Lisa your owls are so cute I wish I could take your class. I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I adore these! Especially the snowy owl because it reminds of Harry Potter.


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