A while ago, I had the pleasure of running into Lynn Bowes' work. Her shop, Silverwork, on Etsy features beautiful handmade silver jewelry that she describes as "simple :: modern :: everyday". I couldn't agree more.
I had the pleasure of purchasing this lovely chalcedony necklace from her and it truly is simply gorgeous, modern in design, and something I can wear everyday.

I had also spotted a beautiful agate necklace in Lynn's shop and asked her if she would have any use for Lake Superior Agates, as we're lucky enough to find them in our yard daily here in MN. She took me up on my offer of a box of rocks, and promised to make me something out of these lovelies. How exciting! A piece made just for me out of rocks I had dug from our yard. She told me what her old lapidary teacher said about picking up stones from the dirt: "Picking up parking lot rocks is like picking up women in bars - you never know what you're gonna get."
Well, this is what I got. I got two amazing necklaces, and the chance to know this generous and talented woman. She polished two of the agates, setting each in silver, and added beaded touches that compliment the pieces perfectly.
You can see on the back of this piece a slice of the crystalline quartz in this agate. I love that detail!
I plan to wear one, and give one to my daughter when she's a bit older. The rocks were gathered on the year of her birth and will be a rememberance of our little patch of land here in Minnesota.
I am so lucky and thankful. Thank you, Lynn. You rock.
(pun intended)
**** Links ****
Lynn's Etsy Shop: Silverwork
They are simply beautiful. The light flecks in the brown stone almost look like dainty little flowers. They do rock! ;)
To see your sweet baby daughter wearing the one she'll own really made my heart leap. I gasped.
Thank you - this was a true labor of love :: lynn
This is a completely and totally awesome idea. I love it! What a wonderful "collaboration" of sorts!
Absolutely Stunning! Hope she makes a few more pieces - and we can buy them from her!!
How beautiful!! You'll treasure these necklaces forever. What a sweet gift for Erin, too.
what a great find! thanks for highlighting some very beautiful pieces.
there are such amazing and talented women in the world... wonderful when two meet up for a collaboration. Lovely necklaces.
sweet necklace...
and your daughter...what a sweet one as well.
love your shopping...that soap sounds interesting.
those rock, how cool are those? I mean seriously, very cool ^_^
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