Friday, February 12, 2010

Button and Stitch by Kristen Rask

I just caught this article on the Craft blog about the new Button and Stitch book by Kristen Rask and was surprised and excited to see a very familiar project included...


KarenB said...

That looks seriously tempting. I've always loved the flower bouquets. Very nice addition with the leather leaves, btw.

Unknown said...

way to go! they look very cute! congratulations!

Lambert said...

I remember getting a big, beautiful and colorful button bouquet from you in the past and debating whether or not I should give it as a gift (as originally planned) or keep it for myself :)

FairyFiligree said...

I have just been introduced to your blog and your button bouquets... lovely stuff:0 Check out the latest post on my blog...
I've also seen button charm bracelets on ebay...

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

oooooh you're getting published again, how thrilling, I'm so happy for you & proud of you, my friend !!

Valerie said...

no wonder ! so very pretty like anything you :)
congratulations Lisa !

mayaluna said...

Go Lisa! Everything you touch is gorgeous.

PineBlossoms said...
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t does wool said...

oooh!!! congrats! well deserved,Lisa

Margie Oomen said...

i saw that post and it made me so happy because before seeing your gorgeous button bouquet I had not realized we were both contributors to that book. Have you seen a copy of it yet?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! These button bouquets are adorable. Thanks for sharing.


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