I was recently challenged to work on a stone in the color pink. You might have noticed that I don't work much in pink, but I spent some time thinking about our wild roses that stubbornly grow around the stumps in our back woods, and gave it a try. I was happy with the result and because of that, decided to try the other colors that I've been denying. This week I worked in black, and I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner because I loved the effect. This stone was inspired by my favorite birds, the corvids (crows, ravens, jays) . Next challenge...red.
I gave up working on a to-do list, instead adapting a "to-do tomorrow" list, and that little trick of giving my brain time to think about what needs to be done has been really helpful.
I've rented a classroom at the building where I work for the weekend and am hauling lots of wool and supplies over. I'll be teaching a class on stone-making in the morning on Saturday, sharing wet-felting with friends later that day, and then working on whatever felty thing I might like on Sunday. See, I work at the kitchen table at home so having a whole room with a tile floor, tables, and a sink to myself is an amazing thing.
I watched my 7 year old make a tiny grill out of a bottle cap and aluminum foil last night, stuff it with tissue and light it on fire, and "grill" tiny shavings of carrots and peppers. It makes me proud to see her playing with sharp knives and fire, as weird as that may sound. But I admit it gave me pause when she looked up at me yesterday with a glint in her eye and told me that tomorrow she would make one that's BIGGER.
I should be in the shower by now, getting ready for work. Instead I'm tapping out this post and watching a slug make trails in the condensation on the window glass. Last night I was entranced by the wee frog who was trying to catch mosquitos on the same window. The day before, when I was having a particularly stressed-out moment, I noticed a bee on the sunflower by our door and I stopped to marvel at his pollen-laden legs. Nature is good medicine.
Up and at 'em.
Have a stellar day, all.