Monday, August 10, 2009


It's no secret that I'm an easily distracted crafter. I have a case of "the shinies" something fierce. "Oh look! Wool! Shiny..... Oh look! Buttons! Shiny..." I can't help it, there are so many amazing things in the world with which to work that I can't help but try them out. My latest indulgence is one that I'm super excited about. I purchased a set of small egg gourds from midnightcoiler on Etsy and they're so beautiful! They're about the size of a small hen's egg and the natural markings are delicious. I've been tinkering a bit already but I'll wait to let you in on what I have in mind.
Have any of you worked with gourds before? This is my first time and I'd love to hear what you've done.
I've also just finished felting a batch of earthy colored wool garments and I can't wait to cut into them. (I'll add that to the list of shiny...)
Happy Monday!


Marchi Wierson said...

Hi Lisa! I am the same way. And I love love love buttons!!! But I haven't used gourds. I did however want to tell you I just saw a photo where a woman repaired a spiders web with red yarn. It made me think of you and all your nature images! I have it on my blog with a link to her web page which is great. I don't mean to promote my blog, only to tell you about this because I really think you will like it as much as I do!!!! Have a lovely week!!!

Midnightcoiler said...

Hi Lisa, I'm so pleased when someone gets excited by my gourds! Eggs just seem to hold a certain fascination. I can't wait to see what you're doing with them. If you have specific questions about working with gourds, just ask. I've been working with them for years. Thanks so much for featuring me and my eggs in your wonderful blog!
Have fun,

Sue said...

I was looking for something for my wirebasket in the kitchen and those gurds are perfect.
I went and bought some from Lynn right away!
Thank you for the tip!!


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