Wednesday, December 24, 2014

necklaces in the shop today

A couple of stitched stone necklaces will be headed to my online shop today.
A little bit of shop-tending before making my daughter's birthday cake, wrapping presents, and packing for a weekend away. Much to do, much to do.

The happiest of holidays to those of you that celebrate.


AM60 said...

Writing from Denmark, just to tell you , that I love your stones . I am a feltmaker my self,and enjoy following your blog.
Anne Marie

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

Gorgeous gorgeous, and all sold out I see, yay !!
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones xoxo

Nieves Mª said...

¡¡Felices Fiestas¡¡
Un abrazo bien grande.

Unknown said...

They are simply beautiful!

Unknown said...
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