Thursday, November 29, 2012

snow folk

Snow folk have been cropping up under the poplar and pine.
Each is made of felted wool balls in three sizes that I sewed to a wooden button (gifted to me by Cheryl at handcrafted travellers).  Their little arms are tendrils from a Virginia Creeper vine and their hats are acorn caps.

I liked how they each had a different posture when I sewed them together so I didn't bother to needle them together.  Their noses and faces, yes, their posture, no.  Each one was so different that I felt they needed to have a little photo session.

Clearly I need to get out more.

These are headed off to some friends and I hope they get a giggle out of them too.  

Happy almost-weekend, everyone!


MadameRenard said...

I love them!!!
They have cute faces and lovely hats! :)

Heather M. said...

They are great! I love the one with the blue scarf. He seems so intent.

peawink said...

Will you be putting some of these in your shop too?

Katerina said...

So sweet. Love them :)

Sonia / COZY MEMORIES said...

You have just killed me with all the cuteness, my friend. You always bring that magic touch that makes us forget about all the sad, tough or heavy things in our lives !
You could have almost made ornaments out of them, I would have a whole tree decorated with them !!!

Sharon said...

Their smiles are contagious! Thanks for sharing, they made my day.

MamaWestWind said...

These are just adorable! Such cute faces and I love those scarves. Lovely!

liniecat said...

great fun little guys! !

Ariadne said...

They look lovely!AriadnefromGreece!

Chrissie said...

You need to stay housebound if these wee folk are the result! They're wonderful, Lisa!

joanie said...

You and your needles never cease to make me smile! I love that they each have a personality and together they look like a party :)

Kim said...

So much personality in these little cuties.

Doreen Frost said...

They are SO sweet!!

:)Happy Winter!!!

Anonymous said...

They look like they're having a party, they're so sweet and funny.

Annie Cholewa said...

They're brilliant!

Lori said...

So cute! I love the photoshoot. You could make/sell cards of the prints.

HollyM said...

Lucky friends! They are so cute!

Corina said...

great snowmen!


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